Week 1: UP, IN, OUT | Pastor Marion & Charis Logan.

"UP, IN, and OUT" by pastors Marion and Charis Logan is a transformative biblical teaching rooted in timeless wisdom. It guides believers to cultivate a holistic faith by focusing on three dimensions: UP (connecting with God), IN (building meaningful relationships within the Ekklesia), and OUT (engaging with the broader world). The teaching emphasizes deepening one's relationship with God, building Christian connections for support, accountability and mutual encouragement, and inspiring believers to extend their faith through compassionate outreach initiatives. Overall, "UP, IN, and OUT" provides a guiding framework for a purposeful Christian life, offering practical insights and biblical principles for spiritual growth and positive impact.

Week 2: The 5 Stages of Spiritual Growth | Pastor Daniel Chinen

At MGMC, our goal is to guide individuals through transformative stages:

1. SPIRITUAL EXPLORER (UNBELIEF): Engage in spiritual conversations, discover Jesus, and accept Him for spiritual rebirth.

2. SPIRITUAL INFANT (NAÏVE): New believers or stagnant Christians focus on spiritual connections, guided by mentorship in reading the Bible and prayer.

3. SPIRITUAL CHILD (SELF-CENTERED): Growing in faith, learning discipline, and service with a focus on personal development.

4. SPIRITUAL YOUNG ADULTS (GOD/OTHERS FOCUSED): Embrace a lifestyle of Prayer Evangelism, seeing themselves as ministers, and expanding their Ekklesia group.

5. SPIRITUAL PARENT (KINGDOM PRIORITY): Mature believers actively disciple others and lead Ekklesia groups, prioritizing growth and abiding in Christ.

Crossing the Chasm at Each Stage:

  1. Committing to follow Jesus.

  2. Establishing connections with God and fellow believers.

  3. Shifting to a lifestyle of discipline and service to others.

  4. Embracing ministry as a lifestyle.

  5. Transitioning from ministering to raising up ministers.

Week 3: Marketplace Ministry: Love Babylon without being overcome by the Babylonian system. | Pastor Ron Yoshida

Marketplace Ministry focuses on the Babylonian System, which began at the Tower of Babel and is characterized by a self-centered attitude. The goal is to move from "Up" to "In" and now to "Out," bringing the manifest presence of Jesus to impact spheres of influence. The Ekklesia Excelerator course emphasizes the importance of impacting the marketplace and loving others as a key commandment.

The paradigm shift involves understanding that labor is worship, and every believer is a minister. The marketplace, seen as the heart of the nation, has already been redeemed by Jesus and needs to be reclaimed. Four levels of Christians in the Marketplace are outlined, emphasizing the transformational power of the Holy Spirit.

To move "Out" into the marketplace, three keys are highlighted:

  1. Commit to daily solitude with Jesus for empowerment.

  2. Humble, empty, deny, and die to oneself to break the influence of the Babylonian System.

  3. Verbally invite the presence of Jesus into the marketplace, praying for divine appointments and spiritual conversations.

The Lord's Prayer is suggested as a tool to break the influence of the Babylonian system. Group discussion questions encourage self-reflection and prayer for each other. The application for the week includes doing a prophetic act by inviting Jesus into spheres of influence, identifying someone to share Jesus with, and being prepared for divine appointments.

Week 4: Discovering your Identity & Living out your Destiny | Pastors Mikela & Scott Kobayashi

This leadership training session focuses on the concepts of Identity and Destiny within a Christian context. Identity is explored through the understanding that one's true identity is not defined by actions, possessions, or others' opinions but by God, who sees each individual as His beloved child. Prophetic activation based on one's name is suggested as a means to discover and affirm one's identity.

Destiny is defined as God's plan and purpose for individuals, with Ephesians 1:11 emphasizing that God has already determined this destiny before birth. Understanding one's destiny is encouraged through prayer, studying the Bible, and receiving prophetic words. Prophetic activation based on what is in one's hand is proposed, drawing examples from biblical figures.

Prophetic words, described as receiving the thoughts and heart of God, are highlighted. It is stressed that everyone is designed to prophesy, with guidelines to align these words with scripture and ensure they strengthen, encourage, and comfort others.

The practical application involves using prophetic words to create vision statements for oneself, family, and sphere of influence, with the expectation of sharing these statements in the following week.

Week 5: Putting together your Prophetic Words

Using your prophetic words write down vision statements for:

  • Yourself

  • Your family

  • Your sphere of influence